How Software Can Help You Ensure Workplace Safety
Safety is a huge concern for employers and employees alike. When severe accidents happen, it can be catastrophic to both the company and the individual.
From operating cumbersome machinery to handling toxic chemicals, there are many possible dangers in the workplace. While being proactive and managing these risks is the best way to ensure a safe area, an overloaded schedule can often relegate this task down a company’s priority list. This is even more prevalent when staff are on-call or working irregular hours.
For these reasons, workplace safety software can be a valuable tool for both employees, employers and customers to stay safe at work or in their homes. Below are four ways software can help you ensure workplace safety.
Keep Track of Risk Assessments/Gas Safety Certificates
Companies that require their engineers to operate heavy machinery or work in potentially dangerous sites should ensure they receive risk assessment forms beforehand.
Risk assessment forms are created to identify risks and to recommend ways for them to be mitigated, making it among the best practices for workplace safety. Joblogic’s asset management software provides an overview for employers to track and manage all equipment, displaying its condition, and planned maintenance schedule. Furthermore, forms explaining job risks and strategies to avoid them can be created and automatically sent to employees before starting their shift.
While businesses need to regularly keep track of these documents, they also must comply with industry regulations. Joblogic software provides a central repository for this data, containing preinstalled compliance forms and templates, as well as the ability to create custom documents and upload them in bulk.
Our service management software also enables engineers to create, manage and save digital gas certificates and risk assessments, eliminating the need to keep paper copies.
Maintain Equipment and Uphold Compliance
Joblogic allows engineers to efficiently plan their next maintenance visits, storing all information relevant to equipment and when it was last serviced. Engineers can also record and take pictures of equipment, helping to identify any potential issues.
Maintaining equipment protects not only your employees but also your clients using your products. For example, when an HVAC contractor installs an air conditioner, that person is legally obligated to track the use of refrigerant gas. With multiple clients in different locations, monitoring and creating equipment reports on their behalf can be time-consuming and expensive. Joblogic’s F-Gas software can track gas cylinders and create compliance certificates and customer reports with just a few clicks.
Create a Full, Easily Accessible Job Schedule that Includes a Safety Plan and Insurance Purposes
It’s common for people to work different hours at a time, on-call or with irregular shifts. As a result, employees are often away from the workplace without access to all relevant information and safety plans in place. Today, business managers must comply with any local Hazard Communication Acts or any other legal procedures that summarise how workers and employers have to act in dangerous situations.
Joblogic software helps to facilitate workplace safety by enabling companies to create schedules in a job calendar. This contains their own procedures and detailed emergency instructions, including evacuation routes, first aid locations, and more. By storing this information in a centralized digital platform, employees can access it from any location, on their mobile phone or tablet.
In addition to ensuring that staff have up-to-date safety documentation readily accessible when they need it most – Joblogic helps you comply with law requirements across your company, thus reducing risk exposure due to non-compliance.
Paperless Approach Lowers Chance of Office Fires
Many offices, especially those over 20 years old, often hold on to extraordinary amounts of paper. They can be old printouts, records, newspapers and a whole bunch of irrelevant material which really should be discarded. These stacks of paper may not directly cause office fires, but they sure help accelerate them. Paper is highly flammable, and storing as little of it as possible in an office is highly advisable.
In recent years, many companies have converted to paperless solutions as it’s considered one of the best practices for workplace safety. This change has not only reduced the risk of office fires by eliminating potential ignition sources, but it also provides benefits for day-to-day operations such as increased productivity and efficiency.
Joblogic software offers all these advantages in one application with features that include job tracking, secure document management and automated data backup – ensuring sensitive documents are protected from accidental deletion. Additionally, as documents are stored in the system, they can be accessed anywhere, saving employees from bringing paperwork from home.
As technology advances, so do the ways we can use it to improve our workplace safety. By digitising your business with Joblogic’s easy-to-use software, business managers can securely track work hours and create a complete, detailed emergency plan that’s readily accessible.
In addition, by storing documents on an app rather than on paper, you reduce fire risks and cut down on office clutter – making everything more efficient for your company!
If you’re interested in learning more about how Joblogic’s service management software for workplace safety can help you improve yours and increase efficiency, book a demo with us today.