How to Reassure Customers About Site Visits Post-Lockdown

How to Reassure Customers About Site Visits Post-Lockdown

Building services and facilities management software (FM) firms are busier than ever as they deal with a backlog of non-urgent maintenance and repairs. But despite the easing of lockdown restrictions, it’s not quite business as usual just yet. Deep concern about coronavirus continues, and many people in both residential and commercial settings are still wary of tradespeople and engineers visiting their premises.

Customers now need reassurance that everything is being done to mitigate risk. So, what’s the best way to communicate this? Here are our top 7 communication tips for reassuring clients about site visits.

1. Relay information BEFORE the site visit

People will naturally feel nervous about letting someone into their workplace or home. Offer reassurance before the visit to let the customer know that you’ll be working within strict guidelines to keep them safe. Tell the customer what the engineer will be doing while they are on site and roughly how long you expect the job to take. Let them know that all staff and contractors have been trained in and are rigorously following COVID-19 safety measures from Public Health England.

2. Be clear with the detail

Letting people know that you are following government guidelines for site visits to prevent the spread of coronavirus will be enough to allay the fears of some people, but not all. It’s important to tell customers exactly how you will mitigate transmission risks. Relay as much information as possible, including:

  • Your handwashing and hand sanitiser protocol
  • What PPE engineers will be wearing, including face masks and if they will be wearing goggles, aprons or overshoes
  • How you will maintain social distancing and remind customers they must maintain social distancing too
  • How a visit will be handled if there is a vulnerable person shielding at the property, such as asking the shielding individual to stay in a different room while the engineer is at the premises
  • What will happen if someone at the property is self-isolating
  • Protocol around the consumption of food and drink (engineers are not able to accept drinks from customers, for example) – this may seem a small detail, but many customers are used to offering a cup of tea or coffee to visiting guests
  • Operatives will clean the immediate work area with disinfectant wipes/spray
  • How you will contact the customer to update them with any changes to the planned work and how that will be carried out

3. Ask if anyone at the site due to be visited has any coronavirus symptoms

Reminding customers that you won’t be able to send an engineer on site if someone has coronavirus symptoms, even if those symptoms are mild, shows you are taking the situation seriously. Ask all customers to keep you updated should the situation change at any time between booking the job and the day the engineer is due to visit.

4. Give customers clear guidance on preparing the area prior to any site visit

To limit transmission, it is important customers remove any obstacles or furniture from the work area before service engineers arrive. This should be clearly explained to customers prior to the visit. 

If there is any confusion, ask customers to send a photo of the area of the building where the maintenance engineer will be working so you can offer pre-visit advice. This not only helps the engineer or tradesperson, but also offers reassurance to customers.

Mention ventilation and ask that windows be opened in the area the engineer will be working, if possible, before they arrive.

5. Change up communication tools

Customer communication

Whilst phone calls and emails are still a common communication method, SMS texting has become an increasingly popular way of communicating during the pandemic.

New research by Yell Business found that 58% of tradespeople are using instant messaging and see this form of communication as key for success post Covid-19. Also, 76% of businesses have introduced new ways of communicating with their customers because of the pandemic. One in five SMEs have started using video conferencing.

Companies using field service management software have an additional effective tool for streamlining communication with customers. Joblogic’s customer portal, for example, enables customers to receive real-time updates online from any location. This eliminates the need for customers to be with engineers on-site.

Some businesses are introducing regular newsletters that customers can sign up to. This can be a useful format for updating customers with safety protocols and could include case studies with photos showing engineers working in PPE. Images can provide powerful reassurance that your engineers are following safety guidelines.

6. Listen and show that you care

Listen to what your customers have to say. What are their concerns? Showing your customers that you care and that you have their health and safety at the forefront of your mind will help to reassure. It is important for your messaging to demonstrate understanding and empathy. Let your customers know you are there for them and are willing to support them in any way you can.

7. Go over the basic safety rules on arrival

When an engineer arrives at a job, he/she should remind the customer of the basic safety protocols, such as social distancing and hygiene measures they will adhere to when they start work.

Joblogic covid mobile forms

To help field service businesses continue to work and stay safe during this difficult period, Joblogic has released 3 new COVID-19 mobile forms, which are available to all active and trialling users, free of charge. Join the hundreds of customers who’ve already activated these new forms to keep your business safe and fully compliant.

Book a free demo today and see how Joblogic field service CRM software can help you and your business.

With many businesses operating remotely, we offer full remote training with Joblogic software.

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