Commonly Asked Questions about Service Management Software

Commonly Asked Questions about Service Management Software

  1. How Can a Service Management System Support My Business?
  2. How Does Electronic Invoicing Work?
  3. Why Should my Business Start Using a Job Scheduler?
  4. Can it Support my Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Schedule?
  5. Can it Simplify Inventory Control?
  6. Want to Ask More Field Service Software Questions? Get in Touch with Joblogic

Have you made it a top priority to streamline daily work operations to increase efficiency? If so, it may be time to consider using an automated field service management system.

This field service management software can assist your company in job scheduling, inventory control, customer relationship management (CRM), and much more. However, to get the most out of a new system, each organisation member needs to know its functionality and feature set.

Before leaping headfirst into this type of technology, our Q&A guide will help you make the right decision on how to get the most out of a service management system.

How Can a Service Management System Support My Business?

One of the most crucial questions business owners typically ask of field service software is how it can help grow their business.

The field service management software provides numerous functions for your company, including secure and efficient data storage, access to data on the go and detailed reporting tools. If you’ve grown weary of handling large amounts of paperwork and receiving missed calls from vacate staff, read below to see how field service management software can help:

Stores Data Securely in The Cloud

If you’re a busy business owner with multiple projects and clients, it’s easy for details about current or past tasks to be lost in the shuffle of emails, phone calls and scattered paperwork.

Sophisticated cloud based software for field service businesses eliminates the risk of losing important information, such as customer contact information and employee data. Furthermore, with the ability to sync data across employee devices, staying on top of current and future projects is easier than ever.

Provides Access to Data On-The-Go:

Whether your technicians are on-site fixing air conditioners or sitting in their favourite coffee shops updating project schedules, your data will be safe and accessible from any location. This process is more effective than relying on spreadsheets and Excel records, which can get lost or misplaced and require staff to travel and drop off files at the office.

Makes Scheduling Easy

Never forget a call or customer again. Hassle-free job scheduling means you have an instant view of which technicians are available to service clients. Efficient scheduling will help achieve monthly goals swiftly and plan work for the most suited engineers.

Provides Reporting Tools and More

Automated reports will help you keep track of what needs attention in your business operations, quickly allowing managers to develop quick solutions before anything becomes unmanageable.

Information can range from project cost estimates versus actual costs to which technicians take the longest to complete a job.

How Does Electronic Invoicing Work?

It wasn’t that long ago that managers used carbon copy invoices one at a time for their clients, but times have changed. Now they can send out hundreds of paperless notifications and digital invoices at the push of a button.

Many companies are switching to electronic billing because it’s more efficient and cost-effective. As there is no need for extra stationery, it can simultaneously save costs and time writing individual invoices on paper. Electronic invoicing also helps deliver more accurate financial values regarding job costs, material costs, and so on.

After using the digital invoice software for some time, you’ll have convenient access to previous quotation information which speeds up the process. Additionally, automating eliminates manual data entry, preventing human error associated with capturing client information manually from handwritten receipts or notes taken by phone calls.


Why Should my Business Start Using a Job Scheduler?

Using effective job scheduling software has a proven record of improving the organization and productivity of engineering and HVAC companies. But why is this the case, and will it be advantageous for your business?

Let’s explore further the benefits of a job scheduling program.

Enhances Employee Access to Vital Information

As a software scheduler continually provides visual status updates, the need for a company’s back office to constantly communicate with their field staff and keep them updated is eliminated.

It also enables the dispatcher to see every task in progress, whilst being notified once a project is complete. Acquiring information in real-time allows a company to make swift decisions about allocating resources to handle specific situations i.e. a technician who requires additional parts on the job.

GPS tracking

Most service management programs include GPS tracking for their employees – a huge bonus for many businesses.

Managers using GPS tracking can automatically assign field service technicians tasks in their proximity and inform client’s when they’re on route. It also helps with accounting as they’ll know how far their workers have travelled on each job – meaning it’s easier to calculate mileage!

Secure Contracts by Being Proactive

Another excellent quality of this software type is that it enables proactive customer service. By assigning jobs in advance, you’re able to prioritise which ones are most urgent so that everything gets done promptly and on schedule.

You can also inform customers when they should expect the technicians to arrive. By taking a proactive approach, you can provide a better customer service experience and secure those lucrative contracts!

Joblogic job planner

Can it Support my Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Schedule?

The secret behind precise planned maintenance is an accurate asset register. When taking over PPM on a new job site, it’s often the case that the previous asset register is not up-to-date or filled with errors. An asset register is used to track all site assets and keep them up-to-date with their current location, status, maintenance requirements and overall condition.

Incorporating a service management program can efficiently schedule PPM by enabling workers to survey a job site and gather the asset data through their mobile application. 

It also allows the planner to pick the number of visits needed for each site. Whether it is weekly, monthly or quarterly PPM, the system will automatically create the visit dates for workers to access at any time.

Can it Simplify Inventory Control?

Service business inventory management is mainly limited to how many parts they have on hand to complete a job. From air conditioner condenser coils to an electrical outlet, it’s essential to access the right parts immediately to promptly service clients.

A stock control software efficiently updates the amount of inventory on hand through updated tracking. Individually, the software can provide these warehouses with stock profiles, alerting staff when the stock is running low. Notified members can quickly replenish stock before any jobs are missed due to a lack of necessary parts.

Ultimately, it provides all the information you need to maintain accurate inventory levels without manually checking and recording every receipt!

Want to Ask More Field Service Software Questions? Get in Touch with Joblogic

Doing your due diligence in finding solutions for issues hampering your company’s growth can save you time, money and effort in the long run. Joblogic provides sophisticated software for field service businesses to improve their operational and customer service performance.

Book a demo with us today if you’re looking to streamline operations with Joblogic’s management systems. Our experts will gladly help you get started!

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